Little Things In Life!

The title couldn’t have been any better to start my first ever blog.

Ajita Sahu
3 min readAug 18, 2020
Photo by Kermen Tutkunova on Unsplash

I had an urge to write, express my thoughts, share my feelings but was hesitant to do so. With a little motivation and keen interest in writing, I gathered some courage and penned down my vivacious thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

Everyone in this world is so busy in the hustle-bustle of life that they forget to enjoy the little things in life. We are busy in making money, trying to live up to the expectations of the society, and getting upset when not able to do so. Amidst these unrealistic expectations and hoping to be the best in the eyes of others, we forget to make ourselves happy and be satisfied.

People nowadays are talking about mental health, depression, anxiety, etc. These things are nothing but results of unfulfilling expectations coupled with long visions. It’s not a bad thing to have long term goals or vision but learn to enjoy the short term success or to celebrate the small things you achieve in life. Try to divide these long term goals into small achievable goals for that it will keep you happy, contented, and motivated.

Currently, I am pursuing my MBA, and in the phase of my career development, having developed a long vision to achieve big things in life I totally forgot to enjoy the short term happiness that I achieve.

I also dreamt of achieving many big things, I have a dream of becoming a Chartered Accountant although I am halfway through. But these goals made me anxious whether I’ll be able to achieve it or not, I used to get so depressed on the thought whether I will be able to sustain competition and make my mark in the competitive environment but for now, I just focused on the little achievable goals like joining an NGO and doing my bit for the people, getting good grades in the current semester, learned cooking some dishes and innovating, up-skilled my sketching, started writing and learning and believe you me I feel so happy and grateful for the things I am doing now.

We all might have come across these wise words:

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realise they were the big things.

Lastly, keeping these words in mind I would say don’t get disheartened by something you can’t achieve now, just be happy and grateful for what you have currently and trust the timing, stay strong, stay focused, hustle and you can move mountains. Before that, it is important to enjoy little things, and it can be done by:

  • Making short term goals.
  • Indulging in activities that make you happy.
  • Having strong will power
  • Appreciating what you have and being grateful for it.

Let us find magic in the little things in life.

Happy Reading :)

